CornwallMacro and sill life SEA THRIFT IN CORNWALL I love it when Sea Thrift makes its late spring appearance on the cliffs of Cornwall, and thanks to a.. 27 May 1
CornwallMacro and sill life SPRING HAS SPRUNG It seems to have taken longer than ever to arrive, but spring is finally here and Cornwall’s hedgerows, woods and gardens.. 7 May 0
Macro and sill lifeFood photography HOW TO COOK AND SHOOT CHERRY COMPOTE It’s cherry picking time in Cornwall and I decided to search the internet for a cherry recipe I could use.. 22 Jul 0
CornwallMacro and sill life RAIN’S OK TOO So here in Cornwall it rained. All day. It’s been raining a lot recently. I can’t say I’m happy about.. 12 Jul 0
Food photographyMacro and sill lifeTutorial Food photography: how to prepare for a shoot In December 2011 I spent a week in the windswept west of Ireland photographing food and lifestyle for The Surf.. 28 Jun 0